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Deal Registration Program - Asia

  • Deal Registration is valid for any deal greater or equal to $1,000 MSRP.  Taxes, third-party products and/or services, shipping, handling, or other fees are excluded from deal total
  • A valid order must be placed within 90 days of Deal Registration quote, extensions will need to be approved
  • All customer contact information must be submitted to AEM at time of deal registration request
  • Customer engagement required
  • Deal Registration will be awarded to the first Distributor that requests it for the same customer and project.
  • Must be for a single customer
  • Purchasing customer has not been sold AEM product(s) within the last year
  • Does not apply to distribution stocking orders

Scheduled maintenance will take place on January 18, 2025, at 12:00 AM EST, which may cause brief downtime. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.