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Where to buy or rent

Sales & Rental Channels

AEM test solutions are available through the distribution partners and manufacturer sales representatives listed. If there is no distribution or manufacturer sales representative in your region, we can assist you with a quote by contacting us directly at If you prefer to rent, please find rental partners by selecting the Rent button.

Company Name AEM Product/s Regions URL
RentalTec TestPro CV100-K61; TestPro-CV100-K60 Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, France, UK
TechRentals TestPro CV100-K50; NSA Australia, New Zealand

If you are interested in becoming a partner or have a question about our test solutions, please feel free to reach out to us at, or directly.

Australia/Southern Asia
Harshang Pandya –

Asia – China, Hong Kong & Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea
Lo Wee Tick, Sr. Sales Manager –

Western Europe
Alf Sutherland, Technical Sales Manager –

Eastern Europe/Middle East/South Africa/Eurasia/India
Werner Heeren, Sr. Director –

Americas – Canada, USA, Latin America
James Florio, Director –

Scheduled maintenance will take place on January 18, 2025, at 12:00 AM EST, which may cause brief downtime. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.